New High-Speed Shuttle Railway Service for Everyone, Every Day
Powered by Kevin Speed
Trains are full and expensive
France is the largest and fastest growing High-Speed Rail market in Europe:
Lack of capital due to investment capacity constraints at the public operator means:
5 €
example of off-peak fare
between Lille and Paris
12 high speed stations
20 brand new trains
We secured a 10-year Framework Agreement
We are the First Railway Company in France to secure Track Access Framework Agreements. They guarantee a capacity of one train per hour for 10 years starting end 2028 on the following 3 routes:
Paris <> Lille
Paris <> Strasbourg
Paris <> Lyon
16 times a day, stopping at each station.
A sustainability-Focused Asset
Clean transport: Railway is the cleanest transport. 140 000 tons of CO2 will be saved every year by our customers (modal shift from cars). With up to 750 passengers on board, our trains reduce the carbon print per passenger.
Affordable mobility: our low cost trains stop in local High Speed stations. We contribute to economic development of the regions we cross.
Jobs creation: we will provide hundreds of qualified jobs for women and men to whom we will offer training.
Sources: Company information, SNCF, Via Michelin, Flixbus, Atmosfair, ICAO, AirFrance.
A management team with a strong track record.
Partner, President
With railway market opening nowadays, I want to bring my industrial experience to enliven a company that changes life for many
Laurent has been working for 20 Years in urban and railway transportation, has opened 70 km of light rail and extended 4 metros with the teams of RATP and Ile De France Mobilité. Those lines changed the life of one million of the greater Paris area inhabitants and saved 150 000 Tons of CO2 per year. He has managed to modernize the Channel Tunnel operations with 2500 French and British employees.
Partner, COO
I have been a commuter myself for several years and have been confronted with many limitations that are still relevant today: low frequency, exorbitant subscription costs, difficulty to book last minute trains...
Jihane has been working for 15 years in digital transformation with many concrete and impactful achievements in large international and multicultural groups. She is a specialist in complex projects, especially in the fields of railway safety and regulatory processes. A visionary, innovative and "out of the box thinker", she believes that it is time to change the ageing model of intercity transport in order to meet the needs of frequent travellers.
Partner, CFO
I feel very attracted by the historical opportunity to develop an innovative offer that the opening of the high speed rail market in France to private capital presents: cheaper, greener, and responding to the evolving needs of a whole new class of future travellers
Guy has worked for over 20 years at the heart of international capital markets as an executive for major global investment banks. He had a front row seat to the impact of capital allocation decisions in G7 as well as emerging markets from the macroeconomic level down to the scale of single projects. He is also active as a business angel.
Partner, CCO
My personal belief is that we can significantly contribute to modern ways of work/life balance by providing new mobility solutions that are green and affordable
Claire has dedicated the 20 previous years to topics such as service marketing, leaning and development and customer experience. She spent more than 10 years at Accor Group and consulted with more than 100 companies of all kinds and more than 10K people on demonstrating how successful customer service can bring personal fulfillment. Entrepreneur and consultant, she works with numerous blue-chip companies such as Elior, Eurotunnel, Accor, Engie, or Europcar Mobility Group. She joined the Kevin Speed adventure to apply her passion and expertise of customer and employee experience to this ambitious project.
Keep track on ilisto media and facts & figures.
19.02.2025 Trainline compares the impact in CO2, time and money on 5 French domestic short haul destination. It includes Paris-Lyon, which is one of ilisto routes. Positive on all criteria.
02.09.24 / Railways regulation: KEVIN SPEED has explained its position at the EU Seminar organised by Florence School of Regulation in June 2024.
22.05.24 / Press release: the track access framework agreement between Kevin Speed and SNCF Réseau is endorsed by the French transport regulator's opinion.
©Arnaud Bouissou-Terra
25.07.23 Kevin Speed raises 4 million euros for its Rail Project "High Speed for Everyone, Every day!"
15.12.2024 Autorité de régulation des transports have published their famous annual report on rail, analysing the figures of Year 2023.
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